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There are many variations of majority have suffered alteration in some form injected humour ran - domised words.


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This walking business is overrated: I mastered the art of doing it when I was quite small, and in any case, what are taxis for? If, in New York, you arrive late for an appointment, say, I took a taxi Life is like riding in a taxi.

This walking business is overrated: I mastered the art of doing it when I was quite small, and in any case, what are taxis for? If, in New York, you arrive late for an appointment, say, I took a taxi Life is like riding in a taxi.

This walking business is overrated: I mastered the art of doing it when I was quite small, and in any case, what are taxis for? If, in New York, you arrive late for an appointment, say, I took a taxi Life is like riding in a taxi.

This walking business is overrated: I mastered the art of doing it when I was quite small, and in any case, what are taxis for? If, in New York, you arrive late for an appointment, say, I took a taxi Life is like riding in a taxi.