Over 30 Years Of Experience, I Can Assu-
re You That You Are In Good Hands.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna .

Our Services
Service We Provide

Clipper cut
Things people say in the barbershop they won't even say in their own living room, people say in the barbershop they won't even know about itand it’s stylen the barbershop they won'

Beard Trim
Things people say in the barbershop they won't even say in their own living room, people say in the barbershop they won't even know about itand it’s stylen the barbershop they won'

Face Shaver
Things people say in the barbershop they won't even say in their own living room, people say in the barbershop they won't even know about itand it’s stylen the barbershop they won'

Beauty Place
Things people say in the barbershop they won't even say in their own living room, people say in the barbershop they won't even know about itand it’s stylen the barbershop they won'

Professional Teams
Professional Hair Stylists

Michel Sharelin
Beard & triming
Hasib Hossain
Haircut specialist
Rukshana Islam
Makeup artist
Gretta Palmer
Beatuty expart
Hair Stylists

Years Experience

Hair Salons

Happy Customers
Our Best Products
Our Best Barber Products

client feedback
Our Happy Customer

Vesti bulum scelerisque pellen tesque arcu eges tas nulla auctor tincidunt urna elit orciec sit purus vel nec sceleris que vesti bulum scelerisque.

Khondokar Fatema Parlament Member
Vesti bulum scelerisque pellen tesque arcu eges tas nulla auctor tincidunt urna elit orciec sit purus vel nec sceleris que vesti bulum scelerisque.

Ariful Islam Member
Vesti bulum scelerisque pellen tesque arcu eges tas nulla auctor tincidunt urna elit orciec sit purus vel nec sceleris que vesti bulum scelerisque.

Nazmul Islam Member
Barber Pricing Plan Table

Hair Cut .................................. $50
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Royal shave ........................... $65
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Hair line clean ........................ $60
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Beard trim .............................. $70
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Beard trim .............................. $65
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Buzz Haircut ........................... $65
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Mustache Trim ....................... $69
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Kids Haircut ............................ $70
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Hot Towel Shave .................... $70
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Beard Trim ............................. $65
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Classic Haircut ....................... $69
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
Hair Color ............................... $70
Barber is a person whose occupation is...
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Good barbers, like good friends, hard to find but not impossible.
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Your barber always knows everything that goes on in the town.
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Skilled barbers are not cheap. Cheap barbers are not skilled.
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